Enquire about a tree
If you have a query about a Tree Preservation Order, a tree in a park or public space, a tree on a pavement or verge, or just wish to discuss a tree in Dorset, complete our online enquiry form.
Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) and trees in conservation areas
You must submit a tree works application before carrying out any work to trees protected by TPOs. You will also need to submit an application giving the council 6 weeks notice of any proposed tree work in a conservation area. You can use the tree works application form or apply online through Planning Portal. You may want to refer to the tree works application guidance notes.
To check whether a tree is covered by a TPO or is within a conservation area, either:
Details of tree works applications submitted are available to view through the council's planning application search facility.
Tree protection privacy statement
We take your privacy seriously and will only keep and use your personal information for reasons law requires or allows. The council is the data controller for the personal information it holds about you in relation to trees and we will use this personal information to be able to process tree works applications and administer TPOs. The privacy statement for Tree Protection will tell you how we intend to use your data, why we have it and how long we will keep it for.
You have certain rights with regard to your personal information, however not all of these rights will be available to you in all situations, particularly where the processing of your information is necessary for the council to carry out its duties and powers. Our full privacy notice gives further information about your rights.
To contact the council about data protection matters, copies of the full privacy notice or how to make a complaint about how your personal information has been handled by the council, please contact the Data Protection Officer.
Trees on development sites
Existing trees, hedgerows and mature shrubs give valuable maturity and impact to planting within development sites. Where these are to be retained and incorporated within the site, careful planning and management will be required in order to minimise disturbance, particularly to root systems.
The council will require information to show how the retained trees will be protected during works on site. As a minimum, you will need to provide a plan indicating with accuracy each tree's position, its canopy spread and the proposed position of protective fencing. The tree's ability to withstand disturbance depends on a number of different factors including the age and species involved, therefore, you should seek the advice of a qualified arboricultural consultant at or before the site planning stage.
Find out more about development guidelines.
Council owned trees
We manage and maintain over 2,000 trees across the district. These trees are located in a wide variety of areas including Upton Wood, open spaces, cemeteries and car parks. It is our policy to retain and manage established trees unless there are good arboricultural, environmental or risk-related reasons not to do so.
Privately owned trees
Privately owned trees throughout the district are the responsibility of the tree owner and any issues or concerns relating to these trees should be directed to the owner. If you have a tree related civil dispute, then we advise that you contact a solicitor. The council is unable to get involved in disputes between neighbours over trees.
Ash dieback disease
For more information use the our ash dieback guidance document or visit the ash dieback disease page.